Update 2013
We are delighted that Sandra Grime has agreed to become Chair of GREAT following the tenure of Dr Brade since our inception in 2005. We know that everyone has appreciated the role undertaken by him over the last seven years and while no longer active in the group we know he continues to share our objectives and aspirations.
These remain the same namely to create a wildlife environment within the Parish between Abbey Village and Brinscall by returning the Goit waterway to nature after being covered for 100 years and restoring its surroundings as a natural recreational pathway.
Initially perhaps the group underestimated the scale of the project and the fact that even for United Utilities this represented a major undertaking. As a result, the project could not be included in its Capital Expenditure Programme 2010-15. Following further discussions with UU it became clear that the project needed to be broken down into a set of manageable tasks. We have done this with a view to approaching UU for funding in its next spending round 2015-20.
The first priority is the replacement of the metal railings along Railway Road with an alternative that meets current public safety standards and is more attractive.
This year with further funding from the Lancashire County Council Green Partnership Fund the group assisted by children from St. John’s School and the Nature Trail Nursery were finally able to complete planting of wild flowers, bulbs and setting bird boxes in the woods by the new path next to the Brinscall Lodge.
We thank United Utilities for funding through Urban Futures for this first phase of our programme and also the professional support from Groundwork Wigan and Chorley. The continued support of Withnell Parish Council, Chorley Borough Council and Lancashire County Council is vital to our credibility and gives heart to our efforts to progress further with United Utilities on the main issues. We also thank Thomas Cole Solutions who have created and maintained this web site on our behalf.
Finally, we also wish to thank Barry Richardson founder of the group for all his work as founder and Secretary of the group since 2005. We are glad that he remains a Trustee and active member of the GREAT Committee. Help him and us to achieve our aims